新加坡爱德幼儿园 2011毕业音乐会发言




2011 Graduation Concert – Director’s Speech
Good afternoon, parents and friends,
Today is a very important day for all of us in Agape.  We are gathered together to celebrate the graduation of our K2 graduands.  I want to take this time to thank all parents for the invaluable support of your child and our school all these years.
I also want to thank our principals and teachers for making this graduation concert possible.  They have been working very hard training the children and to make sure every details of the concert is well taken care of so that you would have a pleasant experience.
The theme for this year Term 4 is “Dances around the World”.  The children have explored. They have discovered and created, and now exhibited their work.  They have learnt so much and are waiting to receive your affirmation and applause.  Don’t forget to clap and cheer loudly when they present to you their celebration dance.
The hot topic in education today is our education minister, Mr Heng Swee Keat’s plan in weaving together – Character and Citizenship, a values-driven and student-centric education.  This resonates with our passion statement and philosophy, as we recognise that what our future generation need, is no longer just head knowledge but heart knowledge to face the world.  Thus, at agape, we strive to build firm foundation in children’s character and learning to prepare them for success in life. 
Our story-based curriculum is designed to help children to learn about good character and values. A good story allows a child to acquire knowledge and skills in literacy, mathematical concept, science, creativity and most important, a sense of wonder and purpose.  It creates the basis for action and reflection, change and growth which builds their character and disposition.  Story like “No Longer a Dilly Dally” teaches the child about discipline, responsibility, patience, perseverance, hard work and reward. The message on hard work and reward is so important to our children in our present society where everything is easily available, almost at the click of a finger. They really struggle to learn and understand the need for delay gratification.
In his speech, the Minister talked about the desired outcome of a values-driven, student-centric education.  This reminds me of the group of children I worked with during my practicum studies 3 years ago.  They were so little then, most just turning three. Today, as I look at them in their graduation gown, I am amazed at how fast they have grown.  Recently, I took a bus ride with them and found them to be chatty and full of energy.  When that energy is well channeled into dance, they can become so disciplined and passionate.  It really warms my heart to see them dancing with so much joy and enthusiasm.
These are the Cecil K2 children who take the school bus from Sengkang every morning to Cecil.  Their readiness to move from their comfort zone to settle in Agape Cecil really wins our admiration. They have adapted well to life in Agape Cecil and have brought so much life, fun and laughter to Cecil. They have learnt early in life that change is the only constant which many of us as adults struggle with.  I also want to applaud their parents for giving them the opportunity to experience learning in a different environment. Many a time our experience is our best teacher.  It gives us opportunity to grow and build our resilience and tenacity when we face life challenges.  I believe that the learning experiences in Agape will give them a head start in life.  There are also many more stories of our children in other centers who have adapted well to changes, and in fact, blossomed in challenging environments. Unfortunately, due to time constraint, I will not able to share more with you.
Now, it is time to say goodbye to all our K2 children, join me in congratulating these precious ones. Agape’s journey with them has come to an end and we are glad that they are well equipped to progress to the next stage of learning.  What they learned in Agape will become their strong foundation for what they will meet tomorrow.  We wish them well and every success in their future endeavours.
Thank you.
Mrs Lim and Mrs Chan

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